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Wal-Mart Training?

Point: How could I be terminated under the heading of "INABILITY TO PERFORM JOB" when I along with (NOW ASST. MANAGER) had passed the test for ASSISTANT MANAGER---along with others but the Store manager held us up! However, we talked about this problem along with others that had passed the Assistant Managers test. Finally, Hardware Department Manager Corey was moved to the position of Assistant Manager while I was ignored for the position of Assistant Manager but had past the test WITHOUT cheating or having others to help me as others that got the position of Assistant Managers So when will the American People STOP feeding and promoting the DRAGON that keeps mistreating American Workers? Yes! Wal-Mart ignores workers for years until they are broken down and destroyed from within. So should we continue creating and building up those that show no respect or love towards our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, neighbors along with our enemies? What good is it for our RELIGIOUS community standing up for the RIGHT; but cannot stand up against the WRONG? Just keeping it real because I care along with others (NOW) members of OURWALMART.ORG. We had better wake up! GBR

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